Seat Systems represent UnitedSeats at the FTMTA show
As part of our efforts to push the UnitedSeats brand across the UK and Ireland, our Distributor for the Irish Republic, Seat Systems based in Limerick took a stand at the Farm Tractor and Machinery Trader’s Association show.
The FTMTA show was held in Punchestown near Dublin (9th-11th February 2017). This bi-annual event has now grown in importance in the IRISH farming calendar. It is now well established professional show for Manufacturers to target dealers and contractors as well as farmers. David Hale our Business Manager for UnitedSeats was in attendance and commented “I believe that John Newman the owner of Seat Systems was very pleased with the interest in his seating range and with the quality and quantity of visitors to the show, even the last afternoon on the Saturday was very well attended”.
David continued “it is always encouraging when one of our distributors gets the reward for the investment, time and effort involved in exhibiting”.
John Newman also had some clever displays of parts such as suspensions, shock absorbers, seat cushions, armrests etc.
David said “more farmers are now realizing they can get replacement UnitedSeats suspensions, uppers and armrests to renovate other seat brands such as Grammer or KAB, with this in mind they now get on and repair the seats rather than leaving them in a poor state, so overall it improves their existing tractor seat”.
Certainly at the FTMTA farmers were looking for more sophisticated X –suspensions rather that the older cheaper rear pedestal seats, this represents a big shift in mindset of their own health and safety.
To support John at the event a new air seat package with full swivel/turntable called the PINTO (LGV 84 / C2) was introduced and UnitedSeats also created a new catalogue for John.
On the OEM stands UnitedSeats could be seen on the GIANT, KUBOTA and CATERPILLAR machines.
In the stand photo Brian Newman, John Newman can be seen alongside David.
Short movie of the show: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNbWuLjg5TM
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