Stream Belt Plus: quick and easy safety belt
As many as 11% of workplace accidents involve a forklift or pallet truck so it is imperative that companies implement sufficient safety measures to limit risk of injury to their workforce. The Stream Belt Plus does this with its clever design, ensuring that the driver is unable to manoeuvre the forklift without engaging the seat belt.
It includes a NC/NO switch and the Stream Belt Plus prevents users from steering the forklift with the belt open. With the red belt strap, this is a great indicator for warehouse managers or foreman to see the belt is secured.
The Stream Belt Plus is easily mounted and come in a variety of options. The standard retractor is ELR (Emergency locking retractor) for flexibility and comfort.
For more information, please follow this link or contact your UnitedSeats representative. www.eblo.eu/products/safety-systems/streambelt