TEK SEATING attend the LAMMA show in Peterborough and go Platinum!
The LAMMA out door agricultural show is one of the largest events for Farming equipment in the UK and the traditional curtain raiser to the season.
This year’s event started with a very busy first day and attended by farmers from around the UK and Ireland, unfortunately this was marred by excessively windy conditions. The damage to the show stands and exhibits meant that the show had to be cancelled for safety reasons on the second day. This was great shame for the exhibitors, but many still enjoyed some really good success.
TEK Seating based in Tunbridge Wells in Kent again laid on a nice stand which was organized by Dan Taylor their sales manager. The stand featured a variety of UnitedSeats products such as the W700, T700,T600, GS12, US20, MGV25, MUSTANG AIR LGV90/C2, CS85/C1 and the CS85/H90 plus a range of UnitedSeats seat belts.
Also at the show David Hale (UnitedSeats Business Manager) presented Dan Taylor (left of picture)with a Certificate for Achieving Platinum sales of United Seats products in 2017, the second year in a row that TEK Seating has achieved this.
At the show we also took the opportunity to help UnitedSeats customers out in the cold conditions with a nice US woolly hat!
For 2019 onwards the show will now move to the NEC in Birmingham and so avoid any such adverse weather.