Tek Seating represent UnitedSeats at the Cereals Show in Royston Hertfordshire
Cereals is one of the UK’s largest National Agricultural shows and is dedicated to the products of Grain crops and all the products and equipment that this entails. The show is held every year and the venue rotates between Lincoln and Hertford every two years.There are huge live demonstrations of Spraying equipment and Harvesting machinery for farmers to see. Over 20,000 farmers from all over the UK attend this event which is packed with the latest technology. For the last 3 years United Seats have been displayed by TEK SEATING and this year the interest in seats seemed as high as ever. In the Photo Mark Vivian and Dan Taylor are shown alongside our Business Manager David Hale.
On the stand different UnitedSeats models: US20, CS85/H90AR, MGV25, T700, W700, CS85/C2 PRO and the deluxe AIR LGV90/C2 PRO AR TT (with turntable) could be tried out. As a comparison Kab and Grammer seats were also shown.
We were very pleased with the organization of Tek Seating at the event.
On the 26th-28th June TEK SEATING will display UnitedSeats at the Hillhead Quarry Show in Buxton, Derbyshire.