Cereals Show 2021, Lincoln
After 18 months without many events due to the pandemic it was a big relief that the Cereals show was held at Boothby Graffoe, Lincolnshire on the 30th June – 1st July 2021.
Cereals is a UK national show showcasing machines, equipment and products for the Arable Farming Sector. Many Tractor, crop sprayer, Telehandler and Combine OEM’s exhibited. It was well attended as farmers were glad to return to normality.
TEK Seating based in Tunbridge wells Kent, had a marquee at the show with a good display of our products. These included: Rancher, Highlander, CS85/C1 AR, CS85/ H90 AR, US20, T600 AG, T700 and some Mi600 seat pans.
In the photos Charles Spence and Dan Taylor from TEK Seating can be seen alongside David and Michael from UnitedSeats. Also at the show we were represented by Capital Seating who also had a well decked out Marquee full of seats and their camera Products. Joe Beales is shown alongside Michael in the photos and Chris Buzzard is shown alongside David.
All in all it was very positive to be back at the show and meeting Farmers again. We thank both Capital Seating and TEK Seating for their great efforts.

Highlights from Cereals Show 2021: