Facebook success stories from Seating Boat France
Based in Figanieres in the South of France, Seating Boat France (SBF) has done an excellent job for UnitedSeats in the work boat sector. Their owner Marc Maillols has not only created a nice website www.seatingboat.fr but has maintained a great Facebook account.
Within his Facebook pages he has done a great job of getting his clients to send in photo’s of seats after they are installed and photos of their boats. Then ‘Followers’ in the Marine community have been able to ‘like’ and share comments. This has proven a very effective way of giving confidence to the service provided by SBF.
Some of Marc’s installations and customers are shown below. Marc works with our own Mr. Karim M’Harthi on a regular basis. A big Thank you goes to Marc and Seating Boat France for their great efforts.
See their Facebook page: www.facebook.com/seatingsboatfrance/