Intermat show a big success!
The Intermat construction show is one of Europe’s largest and returned to the show programme for the first time since 2018. It also marked UnitedSeats’ push into the French market, and we had a large stand with an impressive array of seats.
These ranged from small pan type seats to large heavy duty seating for construction, mining and quarrying. The range can be seen in the stand photos shown, in the displays we also cooperated with Sittab Sweden, (Addtech Group) who make specialist heavy duty armrests and accessories such as turntables, headrests, slide rails for construction seats. The US team were joined by Peter and Alexander from Sittab.
During the show the UnitedSeats stand was manned by Evert, Andre, Malik, David, and Hennie and ably supported by Marc and Jimmy from Azur. Other dealer visitors included David Henry (HTS Spares) and Pierre-Alexandre (Labarriere France).
The UnitedSeats stand was busy throughout with customers from the construction sector. We thank all those who called to see us and helped us during the show!