Seat Systems attend the 2019 Irish Ploughing match
The 2019 National Ploughing Championships was a three-day event in Ballintrane, Fenagh, Co Carlow from the 17th-19th of September. It was bigger than any other Irish Ploughing and the dry weather attracted more than 300,000 people who visited the 1,700 exhibitor stalls.
United seats dealer Seat Systems based in Limerick were present at the show with John, Lisa and Brian and were supported by Michael and David Hale from United seats. There was a nice display of UnitedSeats including the CS85/C1, MGV120/C7 Pro AR, CS85/C4 AR, MGV64/C2, Mi560 and the Mi600. There was also a big range of UnitedSeats accessories and parts, as well as other seat brands. We also noticed at the show that our GS12 seat was fitted to NC Engineering’s new small site dumpers.
All the new brochures were well received at the show and the banners looked good alongside the display of seats. The weather stayed uncharacteristically hot for the whole of the Championships which clearly drew in more people than normal.
Seat Systems are well known in Ireland and the stand was constantly busy throughout the three days. We were very happy to support them during the show and look forward to continuing to support them at future shows.
For more information go to www.seatsystems.com