In May our newly appointed UnitedSeats Marine dealer Seating Boat France attended the NAVEXPO show in Lorient France. Following this start Marc Maillols the Director of Seating Boat France has made some good progress. In the attached photos UnitedSeats such as the C7 Pro with accessories, CS85/C1 in PVC and fabric and the C2 ProRead More
Tom Smiths Parts attend the Pembroke County Show
UnitedSeats were again displayed at the Pembroke County Show by Tom Smith Parts, the show was held as usual in their home town of Haverfordwest, in South West Wales. The weather was excellent for the show which brought out the crowds with some good sunshine after a wet build up to the show. OurRead More
The Independent Agri-Parts display UnitedSeats at the Honiton Show
Every year the Honiton Show in East Devon falls on the first Thursday of August. The Independent Agri-Parts and David Hale (business manager UnitedSeats) were present at the show. The weather held up after and drew substantial crowds from all over Devon, Cornwall and Dorset. The show is a local focus event for the agricultural and ruralRead More
Carpenter Goodwin exhibit UnitedSeats at the Royal Welsh Show
Held in Builth Wells on the Wye river valley in the Welsh county of Powys the show is now the largest agricultural and cultural show in the UK, and one of the largest in Europe. The attendance at the show over the 4 days was 240,000 visitors. The normal population of Builth is 3,000 soRead More
Diffumag Pieces SA appointed UnitedSeats Tinplate Partner in France
During a recent visit Diffumag Pieces SA based in Geispolsheim near Strasbourg were appointed as a partner for UnitedSeats in France. Mr. Nicolas Barth was very pleased to receive his Tinplate from Philippe Auroux (UnitedSeats Business Developer). This follows talk held at the SIMA show in Paris. As a result of work byRead More
Thomas Scott Seating exhibit at the Royal Highland Show
Thomas Scott Seating attended the 177th Royal Highland Show at Ingliston near Edinburgh 22-25th June 2017. The event achieved a new record number of visitors with over 190,000 attending over the 4 day event. The show features machinery, farm related displays and animal competitions and draws together the farming community from all over Scotland.Read More
TEK SEATING exhibit UnitedSeats products at CEREALS show
A week on from the PLANTWORX show and TEK SEATING were in action again at the CEREALS show held near Lincoln (Boothby Graffoe, 14-15th June) This exhibition showcases tractors, equipment and agricultural products dedicated for the production of grain cereals, with working demonstrations of tractors and crop sprayers and examples of ‘fully grown’Read More
Seating Boat France exhibit UnitedSeats at the Navexpo marine show
Based in Draguingnan in the South of France our new dealer Seating Boat France attended the Navexpo professional work boat show in Lorient in Brittany, France. This is the sister company of Azur Sieges France S.A. who specialize in suspension and static seats for work vehicles such as Farm tractors, forklifts, construction equipment, trucksRead More
New US20 seat to be launched in June 2017
UnitedSeats are pleased to announce that the upgrade to the current GS12 and GS20 products will start in June. At this time the newly styled US20 will arrive in the stores in Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands. Featuring more modern, more aesthetic looking cushions the US20 cushions will be supplied in heavy duty PVC, these comeRead More
KATPOL attend the Agrotech Show in Poland
Our UnitedSeats distributor for Poland, Katpol based in the town of Lubin in the south western region recently attended the Agrotech show in Kielce during March 2017. This indoor agricultural show was held in the Southern city of Kielce. Katpol Seating division are now expanding and specializing more and more on good qualityRead More