May 29, 22

Agriconstec attend SEEBBE show in Belgrade

Recently Agriconstec D.o.o, one of our Serbian Dealers attended the SEEBBE construction and building Expo in the Serbian capital Belgrade. SEEBBE show was held from the 27th – 30th April at the Belgrade Fair grounds. Dalibor, Marko and Tamara reported that the show proved a busy event, especially with people keen to getRead More

Apr 29, 22

Thomas Scott Seating attend Scotplant Show

Our number one UnitedSeats dealer in Europe Thomas Scott Seating based in Coatbridge Scotland recently attended the Scotplant Show. The Scotplant is an outdoor exhibition for the construction machinery and equipment industry and was held at the Royal Highland showground in Edinburgh on the 22nd – 23rd March 2022. Exhibitors displayed machines fromRead More

Mar 31, 22

UnitedSeats launch Joystick console pod

‘Ergonomics’ is the modern buzzword, but also the real solution to achieving proper injury reducing seating installations. Modern machines have so many controls that the only way of placing these ‘ergonomically’ is to have these available at the drivers finger tips. The UnitedSeats pod with wide armrest pad follows the natural line ofRead More

Mar 31, 22

Seat Systems exhibit at the Skipper Show in Limerick

Seat Systems, our UnitedSeats dealer for the Republic of Ireland attended the Irish Skipper (Marine) show on the 25th and 26th March in their home city of Limerick. John Newman the owner of Seat Systems had a successful year with our product range in 2022 achieving Gold status. He decided to attend theRead More

Mar 30, 22

C8 Pro seats supplied to our customer in the port of Rotterdam

The Port of Rotterdam is one of the largest and most famous ports in the world. Our client KRVE is an organisation engaged in activities related to shipping in the port of Rotterdam 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year round. They are specialized in the mooring and unmooring ofRead More

Mar 24, 22

Damiro attends Agrotech show in Kielce

The Agrotech show is one of the most important agricultural events in Poland. It was pleasing to see that this show took place again from 18th – 20th March. Damiro who are seat experts are based in Zory in Southern Poland and did a great job in presenting a range of UnitedSeats. TheseRead More

Mar 24, 22

New 24/7 chair from UnitedSeats

As part of our goal to provide a seating solutions for the office as well as for drivers of work vehicles we are pleased to introduce the new ‘Guardian’ 24/7 chair. It meets all extended office and control room criteria and can take operators of up to 200kgs. The materials it is madeRead More

Mar 24, 22

UnitedSeats CEO visits Dubai Dealer

Our CEO, Mr. Evert Mallie recently visited our dealer PROFEN General Trading LLC in Dubai. He received a warm welcome from Mustafa Amin, his father and team at the PROFEN facility near Dubai airport. They were most pleased to receive their UnitedSeats tinplate and it was also nice to see that their 2021Read More

Mar 18, 22

UnitedSeats product developments

There is a lot of buzz about super modern-iterations for machines, accessories and components. However the reality for driver seats is still someway off in regular machines. Why? Well in reality many Construction and Agricultural machines in the smaller and medium categories still have to be practical and economical, and the same goesRead More

Mar 17, 22

US Dealer for SINGAPORE attends APM show

Marine International PTY. based in Singapore has been working with UnitedSeats for the past 4 years, selling primarily to the Marine sector in Far East Asia. They have particularly specialised in selling the CS85/C1AR and CS85/C7 PRO AR to coast guard, police and military vessels in Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam. They have also startedRead More